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Respiratory Care Board of California Logo 3750 Rosin Court, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95834 
Main Telephone: (916) 999-2190 
Toll Free in California (866) 375-0386 
Fax: (916) 263-7311 
E-mail: rcbinfo@dca.ca.gov











Respiratory Care Board of California

Respiratory Care Practitioners (RCPs) or Respiratory Therapists (RTs) in California are licensed and regulated by the Respiratory Care Board of California (RCB). 

What is the RCB? 

The RCB is a state governmental agency established by law to protect the public by regulating the practice of respiratory care practitioners. The mandate of the Respiratory Care Board is to protect and serve the consumer by administering and enforcing the Respiratory Care Practice Act and its regulations in the interest of the safe practice of respiratory care. Its mission is to protect and serve the consumer by enforcing the Respiratory Care Practice Act and its regulations, expanding the delivery and availability of services, increasing public awareness of respiratory care as a profession, and supporting the development and education of all respiratory care practitioners.

RCB Public Protection

Public protection is the highest priority of the Board in exercising its licensing, regulatory and disciplinary functions.

To protect the public, the RCB:

  • Establishes the minimum requirements for licensure.
  • Adopts regulations to clarify the performance, practice and disciplinary standards for its licensees.
  • Enforces the regulations governing the continued education of its licensees
  • Enforces the regulations governing RCPs by taking appropriate disciplinary action against incompetent or unsafe licensees efficiently and effectively.

RCB Regulation

The RCB regulates California respiratory care practitioners. More than 29,000 RCP licenses have been issued in the State of California. Regardless of the title or setting, the RCPs practice is governed by the Respiratory Care Board.

Who To Contact

  • Debra Kaczmar, Ph.D.
    Dean of Academic Affairs, Nursing and Health Sciences
    Phone: 831-770-6146
  • Tanya Tavra, MHA, RRT
    Program Director
    Phone: 831-770-6155