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  • We offer individual courses in Theatre & Cinema as well as the AS-T degree in Film, Television & Electronic Media, the AA-T degree in Theatre Arts, and AA degree in Theatre and Cinema.   
  • New internships available soon through the Salinas Valley Arts & Innovation Hub, a new workforce development effort underway, with support from the State of California Center for Cultural Innovation, the Arts Council for Monterey County, and the Hartnell College Foundation!
  • Our focus in Hartnell's TAC program is on new work creation.  Take a class and learn more about creative content creation and the many ways in which these skills are invaluable in today's workplaces.  
  • Past TAC productions include our recent Mini Fall Arts Festival and Musical Theatre Showcase.  Other past productions include MJ Glazier's Haunted, directed by Athena Ramirez, adaptations of Ubu Roi and Antigone, and productions of The Tragical Historie of Dr. Faustus, and The Birds.  Thanks to the support of our community and the generous contributions of our donors: including individuals and organizations such as the S.T.A.R. Foundation, the Associated Students of Hartnell College, and the 91ÉÙÅ® Foundation, we've been able to travel annually to KCACTF Region VIII - making trips to LA, Mesa, AZ, and Honolulu, Hawaii, where our production of The Birds was selected among 75 nominees, to be one of the ten productions showcased in the Evening of Invitational Scenes. Thank you to our donors! 
  • Learn about exciting new programming in Theatre Arts & Cinema at: 
  • Learn about our theatre/nursing collaborations and watch student, Johnny Ray Avila's film on that:   and his film with faculty advisor John Glazier created for the 2017 Ag Tech Summit:      


Actor practicing her linesTheatre Arts and Cinema (TAC) embraces the study of human expression culminating in live performance on stage or on site, as well as the study of contemporary media arts. The TAC program incorporates the study of literature, and the disciplines and technologies required for live and mediated performance works. Above all, the program provides an in-depth study of the human condition whose purpose is to promote sensitivity and deeper understanding of the self and others. Theatre Arts and Cinema at 91ÉÙÅ® encourages participation by students of all ages and abilities. Courses include traditional classroom experiences as well as dynamic and hands-on production environments. Students will develop their imaginations and cultivate their creative and collaborative abilities.


91ÉÙÅ® is unique in that it has both a growing academic theatre and cinema program and a professional theatre company, The Western Stage, in residence. The collaboration between Hartnell and The Western Stage provides students the opportunity to learn their craft within a professional context, and campus-community partnerships continue to offer a variety of applied theatre and film opportunities for student internships and academic/career advancement. Academic courses are designed to expand the students' understanding and skill sets, with courses for the overall interpersonal development of the general education student; and with a growing program of study for the student interested in pursuing theatre and cinematic arts as a major or career. Some of these career options might include actor, designer, teacher or professor, writer, director,  agent, announcer, casting director, critic, or community organizer. Technical options might include theatre/film technician, audio technician, camera operator, theme park technician, stage manager, art director, videographer, facilities manager, or technical director.




Student holding the Complete Works of William ShakespeareUpon successful completion of the Theatre Arts & Cinema program, a student should be able to:


·       Demonstrate proficiency in theatre, and/or film, television, and  electronic media terminology and performance skills, its basic theories, history, and techniques, culminating in a media production or live performance on stage.

·        Conduct and apply analysis and research skills of dramatic texts and instructional materials.

·       Work effectively as an ensemble member in a fully produced production formulating alternative solutions to theatrical, and/or film, television, and  electronic media production situations.

·        Analyze, interpret, and evaluate their own and others’ work in theatre, and/or film, television, and electronic media as a patron and participant.

Hartnell's Theatre & Cinema program is currently undergoing pathway expansion.  Check back later this year for new and exciting updates to our programs, as well as course offerings on the main campus and the Alisal and South County campuses as well!

All photos courtesy of Joshua Vallejo, Student Photographer

Who To Contact

  • Dr. Marnie Glazier
    Theatre Arts & Cinema Faculty Lead
    Phone: 319-331-4782
    Building: K - Performing Arts / Western Stage
    Office: K-114
    Performing Arts / Western Stage
  • Joy Cowden
    Dean of Academic Affairs (Social and Behavioral Sciences Curriculum and Instructional Support and Fine Arts)

    Phone: 831-755-6764
    Building: D - College Administration (North)
    Office: D-104
    Main Campus - Building D
  • Yvonne Carreon
    Administrative Assistant III

    Phone: 831-755-6739
    Building: D - College Administration (North)
    Office: D-102
    Main Campus - Building D
