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The Department of Supportive Programs and Services (DSPS) provides confidential services to students with disabilities who are participating in 91ÉÙŮ’s programs and activities, across all campuses and educational centers.  DSPS offers specialized counseling, eligibility for disability accommodations and services, learning disability assessment, as well as Learning Skills classes and Adapted Physical Education classes. 

Students are encouraged to plan ahead for registering with DSPS, as well as putting eligible accommodations and services in place each semester.

DSPS is happy to offer Chatbot, an online confidential service that is available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, to provide general answers to questions DSPS students may have.  By clicking on the text box titled, ‘May I Help You’, students can type in a question.  DSPS students are welcome to contact DSPS directly too, and the department contact information can be found at the bottom of the DSPS homepage.  DSPS is here to support students!

The following links are designed to help students, as well as faculty and staff who are supporting DSPS students in classes and programs. 

Current and Returning DSPS Students  Students New to DSPS or Hartnell

91ÉÙÅ® offers supportive services and instruction for students with disabilities through DSPS.  To facilitate student success in academics and personal development, DSPS provides services, instruction, and accommodations, such as:

  • Extended time on exams and quizzes
  • Reduced (quiet) testing environment
  • Priority registration
  • Reduced course load (taking fewer than 12 units)
  • Note-takers (and a variety of assistive technologies)
  • American Sign Language (ASL) interpreting
  • Real-time captioning
  • Digital recorders
  • Alternative media (e-books, Braille, large print)
  • Adapted classroom furniture
  • CCTV (and a variety of screen magnification technologies)
  • Screen reading and voice recognition software
  • Use of the High Tech Lab in DSPS
  • Educational planning (preliminary and full education plans)
  • Learning Skills classes
  • Adapted Physical Education classes
  • Learning disability assessment


Who To Contact

  • Department of Supportive Programs and Services (DSPS)
    Phone: 831-755-6760 
    Building: B - Student Services
    Office: Room 107
    B - Student Services
